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Experimental notice hiding

Notices in the WordPress admin can be pretty annoying.

So I've added an experimental feature to Turbo Admin to allow them to be detected and hidden.

This is currently available in the the browser extension (v1.6.0 or greater) and it will be added to the plugin version eventually too.

How it works

First, you'll need to turn the option on in the extension settings.

Turbo Admin will try to detect notices in your WordPress dashboard. It will gather them up and hide them in a panel that can be displayed by clicking the new notices item in the admin bar.

Detecting and hiding notices is tricky because some notices are things you WANT to see, and I don't want to hide important things from you. And some notices try to avoid detection and hiding. One way that they do this is by pretending to be more important than they are.

So if Turbo Admin detects a notice that it knows should be hidden, it will hide it automatically. But if it detects something that it thinks you want to see, it will continue to show it BUT... it will give you a small button allowing you to move it to the hidden notices panel.

If you choose to hide a notice, this will be remembered and if that notice is seen again it will be automatically hidden. And if you're using the browser extension version of Turbo Admin, notices will be remembered for all sites, not just the one you originally hid it on!

This is experimental!

I've called this an experimental feature because:

  • it may not always work - these notice things are tricksy!
  • hiding notices may not even be the right thing to do
  • I'm still experimenting with the user interface for the panel and notice hiding

But having said that, like with all things in Turbo Admin, I built this because I wanted it, and I'm loving having in the extension as a feature! And I hope you will too.


If you have any feedback on this feature (or anything to do with Turbo Admin) please drop me a line on Twitter. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

History and acknowledgements

There have been numerous attempts to address it over the years, but I was recently inspired by Ben Gilbank's attempt to address this in his Toolbelt plugin.

Ben's solution is JavaScript-based. And, realising I could do this with some injected JavaScript of my own, I decided this would be a good feature for Turbo Admin. Especially as the browser extension could save your settings across sites.