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Don't try this at home, folks... it's time for... The Turbo Admin Bookmarklet!

This is the easiest way to try the very latest version of Turbo Admin - but...?


A bookmarklet is a button that sits in your browser's bookmark bar, but instead of linking you to a page, it runs a piece of JavaScript code. In this case, the code is Turbo Admin!!

Because it needs no installation or license you can use it for free, and it's kept more up to date - usually running an alpha/beta version showing off the latest features.

But you need to be really careful with bookmarklets.

Are bookmarklets safe?

Well, it depends. Normally I would not recommend installing a bookmarklet that downloads and runs arbitrary JavaScript code in your web browser - which is exactly what this bookmarklet does. That's incredibly dangerous.

But if you want to trust me, then all this bookmarklet does is inject the latest version of Turbo Admin into the current page. This is exactly the same as if you were using the Turbo Admin browser extension, or WordPress plugin. It's just a different way of getting the same code into your browser.

I promise that this bookmarklet does nothing malicious. Sure, it monitors keypresses because Turbo Admin needs to do that to work, but it sends no data to me, requires no sign up or login, and use is totally anonymous.

If you me enough to install the browser extension then I see no reason why you shouldn't trust this bookmarklet.

OK, let's do it!

Great! Just drag the button below to your browser's bookmark bar, then click it when you're on a page of the WordPress admin area/dashboard. (Note this does not work on wordpress.com sites, only self-hosted WordPress sites.)

Turbo Admin

Once you've clicked the bookmarklet, wait a couple of seconds for it to initialise and then use Ctrl/Cmd-K to open the command palette, and otherwise follow the guide.

The current bookmarklet also implements a beta of the new search-modes as described on the searching help page. This is super exciting because it has things like plugin and WooCommerce search!!