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Turbo Admin

Work faster with WordPress using a quick-access command palette and a collection of Dashboard improvements. Simply install, activate and go!

Try all features on up to three sites with the free trial of the Chrome, Edge and Firefox browser extension trial. Buy a license to remove the three-site limit and use it everywhere. Or try the limited features of the WordPress plugin.

Keyboard-driven admin.
On (almost) ALL your WordPress sites.

If you love getting things done with tools like MacOS Spotlight, Alfred, or the command palette in your text editor, then Turbo Admin brings that to WordPress.


A collection of WordPress Dashboard improvements

Turbo Admin includes a set of optional improvements to the WordPress dashboard.
Because it's a browser extension your preferences apply on all sites!

Multisite compatibility

Multisite compatibility

Quick navigation to your multisite sites

Content search

Content search

Find content on your site, and quickly view, edit or copy links.

Full-screen editor killer

Full-screen editor killer

If you like the menu then keep it! Turn full screen editing off on ALL your sites.

Welcome screen remover

Welcome screen remover

Yes, yes, yes. You know how to use the new editor and don't need to be told on every new site. 🙄 Turbo Admin gets rid of annoying welcome panels and modals.

Notice hiding

Notice hiding

Dashboard notices can get really cluttered. So Turbo Admin creates a new, slide-out panel, and hides the ones you don't want! (Experimental)

Live/dev site labels

Live/dev site labels

Don't want to mess up production? Turbo Admin gives a green for dev/staging sites and red for live sites. (Experimental)

List table keyboard nav

List table keyboard nav

Inspired by other tools, Turbo Admin adds simple keyboard navigation of WP List Tables. (Experimental)

Your preferences... everywhere!

Your preferences... everywhere!

With the browser extension, the features load and your settings apply whenever Turbo Admin can detect a WordPress site. It's WordPress - your way!

What you get

So, here's the deal...

One fee. One time. 6 activations.


Plus local taxes.

Yes, I'm keeping it simple, but here's what you need to know.

Buy browser extension Try for free!

Six activations

One activation is for one browser. So this will work on, say, 3 different browsers on 2 different computers.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Turbo Admin Browser Extension works on Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Chromium-based browsers. It does NOT work on Safari.

Yours forever

There's no subscription. You can keep this major version (v1) of the extension, and use it for as long as it works. Future major updates may require a paid upgrade.

No-question refunds

I hope you'll love Turbo Admin. And I hope you'll try the plugin version before buying the extension. But if Turbo Admin doesn't do what you want, let me know and I'll refund you.

Complete privacy (well, almost)

I collect no data about what you do with the extension. Only what is needed to sell it to you, support you, and keep you informed of updates.

No-promises support

I'll do my best to support the product, but this is not my main job and I can't make guarantees on responses and fixes.

Updates as and when I make them

Turbo Admin should "Just Work". I have a roadmap of improvements and enhancements I want to make. But I have a full time job AND some parenting to do. So I can't guarantee any fixes or changes.